Processos de Criação

With・Gabriel Karasek
LiveWebsite's project

Where does inspiration come from to compose a song, to write a poem, to make a paintg, or even to build a chair? How much of the creation process is intuitive or purposeful? Is it possible to have conscious about that? Is creativity something that can be learned or exercised? Is it possible to explain a way of seeing and how a person structures a thought?

From these questions the Creation Processes project started.
The propose is: to investigate through a series of video interviews with artists, designers, filmmakers, musicians, art curators, dancers, actors, what is the creation process and how it works from different areas and points of view; to document the development of project itself; and to collect all these informations in a large catalog about creation processes.

Cris Schmidt
Multimedia artist
Based in Dublin
*Available worldwide
Cris Schmidt
Multimedia artist

Based in Dublin
*Available worldwide